Sunday, July 12, 2009


Software Validation

At Minitab, we recognize that the software products we create must meet the needs and expectations of our customers within the constraints of feasibility, product integrity, and company viability. They must be the right products and they must operate in the right way.

We also recognize that the quality of software is multidimensional. Quality is not limited by one definition. In creating software, we will seek to balance all aspects of high quality. We will create software products that:

  • Are available to customers in a timely fashion
  • Are reliable and accurate in their operation
  • Present an intuitive interface for both input and output
  • Contain features that help customers do their work better

Finally, we recognize that the pursuit for quality is a journey with no end. We will continuously improve both the processes used to create our software products, and the software products created for our customers.

All statistical and graphical output is validated for market readiness using one or more of the following methods:

  1. Validated by hand or computed calculation. This may involve visual verification of a graph or comparison of a statistical result with an independent calculation using a calculator or computer.
  2. Validated by comparison to other software. One or more existing statistical software products may be used for comparison. Occasionally, specialized software products are used, such as software for analyzing time series data. This form of validation is performed when the answers cannot be easily calculated by hand or engineered code.
  3. Validated by comparison to textbook examples. Data and output from respected textbooks may be used for comparison. Recognizing the inherent risk in published data, this form of validation is performed in combination with one or both of the two previous methods.

There are also a number of controls built into the software development process that contribute to ongoing validation. These are:

  1. Technical support is provided for all of our software products. When customers report problems, our technical staff verifies the nature of the problem, records the details, and determines an appropriate method for addressing the problem.
  2. Minitab has developed extensive automated test suites to verify the accuracy of product functionality. These suites are systematically run to regression test all new versions and conversions of the software. They are also run to validate behavior of the Minitab software in new operating systems as they become available.
  3. The software is submitted to a beta test period prior to release. This test helps to assure consistent results across a variety of hardware and software configurations.

Software Validation Kits

Minitab Statistical Software Validation Kits are downloadable ZIP files which contain details about our validation process, software development life cycle, and other relevant information.

Download the Minitab 15 Software Validation Kit (ZIP file)

If you have any questions about our software validation process, please Contact Us.


software validation RESOURCES

  1. [PDF]

    Software Validation Plan

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
    The Software Validation Plan (SVP) must ensure that the following aspects ... validation of the software development in the context of the IMAGE project: ... - Similar -
  2. [PDF]

    Software Validation in Accredited Laboratories A Practical Guide

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View
    Software Validation in Accredited Laboratories. A Practical Guide. Gregory D. Gogates. Fasor Inc. 2042 Hollis Road, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446-5721 USA ... - Similar -
    by GD Gogates - Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 5 versions
  3. (Product Development Insight) Software Validation: Turning ...

    By answering some basic questions about software validation, this article examines the critical concepts for successful validation. ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. Software Validation Tools Option - Products and Services ...

    Add the Software Validation Tools Option to the NI Developer Suite Core Package and automate your software engineering and validation processes when ... - Cached - Similar -
  5. Software Validation

    19 Dec 1994 ... In the process of software validation, it is likely that some form of computer output, either graphic or tabular, should accompany the ... - Cached - Similar -
  6. AAMI: Quality System Training: Software Validation

    This 3 day course supplies attendees with information and tools needed to comply with thesoftware validation requirements of the Quality System regulation, ... - Cached - Similar -
  7. Software Validation - Minitab

    Minitab Statistical Software Validation Kits are downloadable ZIP files which contain details about our validation process, software development life cycle, ... - Cached - Similar -
  8. FDA Software Validation with Static Source Code Analysis | Klocwork

    Address FDA guidance for software validation throughout the software development lifecycle with Klocwork K7. Software Verification, Defect Prevention, ... - Cached - Similar -

    vefification and VALIDATION

    Verification and Validation (software)

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In software project management, software testing, and software engineering, Verification and Validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications and that it fulfils its intended purpose. It is normally part of the software testing process of a project.



